About the Coaches Academy
at Barca Innovation Hub
“Along the course, the participant will find an evolution of the learning process theories, emphasizing the coach-player relationship understood not as unidirectional training and from teacher to student, but as a two-way exchange where both of them interact and agree on intentions and focuses on the practice.
This exchange goes from feedback to the planning of specific, massive, variable, and continuous preferential simulation situations by the use of constraints.”

Oswin Kosa
DARE Academy Coach Manager
What has determined you to attend the Coaches Academy?
“The reason for my course attendance is that I want to know much more about coaching, especially how the information and the knowledge I own can be delivered to the people in the most efficient way and the business field I am activating in.
What I loved the most until now are the different methodologies and techniques applied in sports that could be used in the business field too. I can mention here the factors that impact the coachee during the coaching process: the microenvironment (family, colleagues, attended school), the macro environment (the sports culture, national culture, and educational system), and groups (manager, coach, trainer, expert).
One of the essential things I got until now is the big versatility of the coaching methods despite the field you are working in, being applicable in almost every professional environment.
It is all great until now and I am looking forward to the next modules! “

Stefan Fantu
DARE Academy coach
“I wanted to add an extra layer, let’s say competency, to my coaching career and I really appreciate the given support in order to develop my career path in VEO.
The first thing I found exciting is the mentality. You have to develop an exploratory behavior into the players’ mentality, which automatically means that you as a coach need to already have such an exploratory behavior yourself. Through creativity and freedom of practice, the player will be able to develop himself better because the ideas will come from the inside out.
Taking into consideration the perspectives I’ve learned about from the course until now, I strongly believe that we can look from a different angle at our business specific that also will complete and impact the behavior of our future commercials.
I also consider that alongside this opportunity, the coaches will be able to fulfill VEO’s mission: to invest in future champions in order to become high-performing international trade specialists.
One of the last thoughts I have for my readers is to never forget to also play the game and enjoy it while doing it. ”

Victor Gafita
DARE Academy coach
Academy Motivation Trainer
“I was really intrigued about this coaching program when I heard about it, especially because I always enjoyed watching FC Barcelona playing. It gave me a sense of performance.
Obviously, what we see when FC Barcelona is playing, is mostly the show, but I was interested in the hard work behind it, which is actually the coaching program they are following. I was impressed by how many coaching methods they use and how many of them we could implement into our business coaching.
Until now, I‘ve learned a lot about the fact that an individual is influenced by many other factors when joining a team. It is not only the coach, but it is the entire society, educational and cultural environment they are coming with. The key is to adapt in order to discover the talent of our collaborators.
Taking into consideration that FC Barcelona’s players come from extremely different, and sometimes hostile environments, and in spite of this their coaching program makes them worldwide stars, I think we would also be able to obtain exceptionally prepared trade specialists out of people with no previous experience.

The Academy of those who DARE for more.
Everyone can be a champion!